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Aerospace Engineering MSE

man working on octdrone

Contact Aerospace Engineering Admissions

Gabby Strzalkowski

Graduate Program Coordinator

Mirko Gamba

Associate Professor & Graduate Chair of Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace at Michigan Statistics

Dan Inman research

No. 5

US News & World Report


faculty-to-graduate student ratio


of graduate students are from out-of-state


international students


research expenditures


female students

Why get your Aero Master's degree at Michigan?

Michigan Aerospace is the oldest and one of the most highly ranked collegiate aeronautics programs in the United States.

We have renowned research centers in both aircraft and spacecraft systems, a rich curriculum in some of the newest aerospace topics, and an esteemed faculty at the forefront of academics and research.

A master’s degree from our department would put you among the ranks of highly sought after experts in industry, government, and academia.

Aerospace drone in flight at night in MAir facility
Student controlling a drone

What can you do with an MSE in Aerospace Engineering?

MSE degree in Aerospace Engineering provides students with a more in-depth knowledge of aerospace engineering topics, beyond what is covered in the BSE program.

This degree prepares students for a variety of positions and career growth opportunities in the aerospace industry, as well as government agencies such as NASA, which require a master’s degree.  Interested students may also become involved in research and directed study as a part of their MSE experience (per agreement with individual faculty).  Some students proceed into a Ph.D. program, and careers in academia and research and development (R&D).

Academic Areas

The MSE in Aerospace Engineering does not have a thesis requirement however, students are encouraged to take advantage of directed study (AERO 590) and become involved in research as part of their MSE experience.

Jamie Cutler in control room

The MSE degree requirements leave students the flexibility to focus their program along the lines of established disciplines described below or as a cross-disciplinary one.

Each master’s student is assigned an academic advisor from the department faculty who can assist the student in selecting program focus and courses to reach their learning objectives.

Flight dynamics and controls testing

Flight Dynamics & Controls

The field of flight dynamics and control deals with the motion of flight vehicles in the atmosphere and in space, as well as with dynamics, control, estimation, planning, and decision making related to flight and space applications. 

Related courses

+ Expand
  • Dynamics, linear and nonlinear systems, feedback control design (linear, nonlinear, optimal, stochastic, model predictive, etc.), trajectory optimization, guidance and navigation, system identification, estimation and filtering, aircraft, and spacecraft applications, space flight mechanics, and astrodynamics.
Dan Inman research

Aerodynamics & Propulsion

Aerodynamics & Propulsion studies flow either around aerodynamic bodies (external flows, aerodynamics, or fluid dynamics) or through engines (internal flows or propulsion). This area is important for numerous aspects of aerospace engineering, such as airplane aerodynamics, helicopter aerodynamics, jet propulsion, rocket propulsion, advanced propulsion, properties of the space environment, and many others

Related courses

+ Expand
  • Incompressible flow, compressible flow, viscous flow, turbulence, plasma dynamics, non-equilibrium and rarefied flows, jet and rocket propulsion, electric propulsion, and computational fluid dynamics.
A wrench tightening down a collar

Structures & Materials

Structures & Materials is the study of the mechanical behavior of solids and structures. Modern aerospace structures typically require the use of composite materials, advanced multifunctional materials, and thin-walled constructions. To obtain the level of performance required from flight structures, thorough knowledge of material limitations, structural stability, and strength considerations are needed.

Related courses

+ Expand
  • Finite elements in mechanical and structural analysis, foundations of solid and structural mechanics, mechanics of fibrous composites, theory of elastic stability, intermediate dynamics, structural dynamics, aeroelasticity, aeromechanics of rotary-wing vehicles, multidisciplinary design optimization.
man peering at his space equipment work

Space Systems 

A subset of faculty members in Aerodynamics & Propulsion and Flight Dynamics & Controls develop spacecraft and advanced spacecraft subsystems such as propulsion and control systems. Experimental and computational studies center around spacecraft electric propulsion systems, with projects ranging from the small, like developing electric propulsion systems that are small enough to fit on a chip for CubeSat propulsion, to the large, with thrusters big enough to drive piloted missions to asteroids and Mars. 

Related courses

+ Expand
  • Rocket Propulsion, Electric Propulsion, Astrodynamics, Orbital Analysis and Determination, Dynamics, and Control of Spacecraft.
person touching a mirrored surface


This area involves computer science, computational science, scientific computing, data science, and software engineering. Applications include the creation of flight software, embedded controllers, analysis of physical phenomena, design of flight vehicles, enabling autonomous operations, and developing digital twins.

Related courses

+ Expand
  • Aerospace Information Systems, Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, Statistical Approaches for Aerospace Engineering, Data-driven Analysis & Modeling, Statistical Inference, Estimation & Learning, and Hybrid Systems, and Analysis & Control.

Courses Offered

Individualized plans of study will be developed by students in consultation with an advisor. Refer to the Bulletin for course descriptions.

student working on a cubesat
Aerospace Engineering Ph.D. student Jessica Jones discusses a model airplane construction with Prof. Carlos Cesnik in his lab on the last day of classes during a Day In the Life of the University of Michigan

Sequential Undergraduate/ Graduate Studies Program (SUGS)

Current University of Michigan engineering students can complete both your bachelor’s and master’s degrees in only five years with SUGS by taking some graduate-level classes during your undergraduate years, so you can save yourself one semester and complete a master’s with only two additional semesters.

small plane in the wind tunnel

Practice Your Purpose

There is a rich variety of experiential learning opportunities to help you find your niche, connect with people who share your passion, and gain hands-on experience that’ll set your resumé apart from the stack.

Graduate Student Organizations

Michigan Aeronautical Science Association logo


Michigan Aeronautical Science Association

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Women in Aeronautics and Astronautics
Women in AAUM

Women in AAUM

Women in Aeronautics and Astronautics

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5 students in front of a lab
Sigma Gamma Tau

Sigma Gamma Tau

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Students for Exploration and Development of Space logo


Students for Exploration and Development of Space

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Professional Development

photo of students with AIAA logo


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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Engineering Career Resource Center

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Graduate SWE logo


Society of Women Engineers

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bottom profile of a thruster
Aerodynamics and Propulsion

Aerodynamics and Propulsion

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student working on a small airplane
Autonomous Systems and Control

Autonomous Systems and Control

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student studying a project
Structures and Materials

Structures and Materials

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Space Systems

Space Systems

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colorful photo


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Research Videos

Alumni Bios

Each of these alumni were once in your shoes, deciding on a master’s degree.

Jessica Jones

Jessica Jones

MSE Aerospace Engineering

Aurora Flight Sciences


Image of Brian MacLachlan

Brian MacLachlan

MSE Aerospace Engineering, 1999


Senior Principal Engineer

Photo of Dan Patt

Dan Patt

MS Systems Engineering; System Automation; Aerospace Engineering, 2000

Vecna Robotics


Image of Louis Triplett

Louis Triplett

MSE Aerospace Engineering, 2006


Lead Systems Engineer

Mitchell Walker

Mitchell Walker

BSE Aerospace Engineering, 1999

Georgia Institute of Technology


Image of Matthew McKeown

Matthew McKeown

MS Aerospace Engineering, 2008


Propulsion Manager

Jessica Jones

Jessica Jones

University of Maryland, BS Aerospace Engineering, 2011

University of Michigan, MSE Aerospace Engineering, 2013

University of Michigan, PhD Aerospace Engineering, 2017

Aurora Flight Sciences



Career Summary

Career Pathway

Some of my favorite childhood memories are watching airplanes land and lift off from Reagan Airport’s short runways and roar over our heads at Gravelly Point Park. Add to that a healthy love for science fiction and, in hindsight, my career as an aerospace engineer seems almost inevitable. I graduated from the University of Maryland- College Park with a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering knowing that I wanted to work on aircraft that pushed the envelope of the possible. I chose Michigan for grad school and earned my M.S. and Ph.D. specializing in aeroelasticity of very flexible vehicles with Prof. Carlos Cesnik. While working on my graduate research, I crossed paths with Aurora Flight Sciences many times as they sponsored research within the department. I was drawn to the cutting edge work Aurora was doing with unmanned vehicles and I was hooked by the opportunity to work on a wide range of aircraft from high altitude pseudo-satellites to flying taxis, and witness every stage of production from white-paper concept to certifiable prototype. As an aerodynamicist at Aurora, I’ve had the opportunity to work on the Odysseus HALE aircraft, and I currently lead the aerodynamics and performance team for the Orion UAS.

Master’s Degree Differentiator

Design and analysis of aircraft systems that employ configurations and capabilities outside the boundaries of traditional fixed-wing design require a deeper understanding of the underlying science than is granted by a typical undergraduate degree. When solving problems, my graduate degrees enable me to go beyond existing solutions and innovate new tools and methods so we can make airplanes that fly higher, farther, and longer than ever before.

Additional Comments

I’ve always believed the key to a great engineer is a well-rounded person outside the lab/classroom/office. I was an officer for MUSES and the SMES-G (now GBSES), and chief editor of Blueprint, the North Campus Literary Magazine. I’m also passionate about community engagement and if I wasn’t in FXB, I could usually be found volunteering at the outreach and recruitment events hosted by the Aero Department, the College of Engineering Office of Grad Education, and Rackham. I’ve continued that outreach focus in my career at Aurora, including participating as a mentor in Girls in Aviation Day, AIAA Diversity Scholars Industry Mentorship Program, and the Michigan Aero Mentorship Program. Acronyms: MUSES: Movement for Underrepresented Sisters in Engineering and Science SMES-G: Society of Minority Engineers and Scientists- Graduate Component GBSES: Graduate Society of Black Engineers and Scientists

Image of Brian MacLachlan

Brian MacLachlan

University of Michigan, BSE Mechanical Engineering, 1998 

University of Michigan, BSE Aerospace Engineering, 1998

University of Michigan, MSE Aerospace Engineering, 1999


Senior Principal Engineer


Career Summary

In my first job, I spent 5 years at a small applied R&D company in Boston doing some aerospace and mechanical engineering projects, managing a few other engineers, and guiding technical capability development.  It was a lot of fun inventing new things, winning grant money to pursue your ideas, and you wear many hats in a small company which offers a lot of variety.  But our ideas never got much past the prototyping stage, and I wanted to commercialize something.  Also, Boston was too expensive for the lifestyle my wife and I wanted, so we moved back to Michigan when I found Stryker’s new product development group in the med-tech industry.  The breadth of their product portfolio meant many different engineering disciplines were needed.  Some of my aero principles applied and most of the mechanical principles.  I found more variety than I expected, so I didn’t have to worry about being pigeon-holed into one function.  I also found that I loved working on products that improve people’s lives.  After nearly 15 years at Stryker, I’m a lead engineer for a large portfolio of products.  In this role, I help set the vision and strategy for our portfolio, then implement that strategy by leading technology research and overseeing several new product development projects.

How does your Master’s degree differentiate you from others?

It’s an advanced credential that brings added credibility right from the start, compared to those with a Bachelor’s degree.  The aerospace job market was very poor when I entered school, so I double majored with mechanical to get two BSE’s.  That was not a good choice, waste of time and money, mostly because you can always get a job with an aerospace degree…just maybe not in that industry right away.  I should have spent that time and money on graduate school.  Also, going right to grad school after BSE has pros and cons.  Pro: I could focus on it and got done quickly.  Con: Without real-world experience, I didn’t have any context for what I was learning.  Going to grad school after a few years in the workforce would have helped me get more out of my master’s degree education.  However, working and going to school would have taken me longer to finish and reduced my free time during the semesters. 

Image of Dan Patt

Dan Patt

University of Michigan, MS Systems Engineering;
System Automation; Aerospace Engineering

University of Michigan, PhD Aerospace, Aeronautical,
and Astronautical Engineering, 2000

Vecna Robotics



Career Summary

Dr. Dan Patt is CEO of Vecna Robotics, a leading commercial robotics and industrial automation technology provider. Vecna Robotics has unique artificial intelligence technology for resilient orchestration of diverse autonomous systems, industrial equipment, and human capabilities. Patt also serves as a Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Analysis (CSBA), a leading policy research institute located in Washington, DC.

During his studies at the University of Michigan, Patt developed highly integrated software toolsets for model-based vehicle design with emphasis on active control of noise and vibration. Aerospace Engineering Professor Peretz Friedmann was his faculty advisor. After receiving his PhD, Patt held senior technical positions at Boeing Phantom Works, Karem Aircraft, and Radiant Sciences, gaining engineering experience in robotics, air vehicle flight testing, dynamics analysis, adaptive control, learning systems, systems integration, human interface, and health monitoring. Before assuming the role of CEO at Vecna Robotics, Patt was Deputy Director of DARPA’s Strategic Technology Office. At DARPA, he led the effort to develop a strategy for renewed conventional military advantage focused on achieving decision superiority and risk distribution.

Career Timeline

  • Boeing Phantom Works
  • MSC Software
  • Karem Aircraft
  • Radiant Sciences
  • Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
  • Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments
  • Vecna Robotics
Image of Louis Triplett

Louis Triplett

University of Michigan, BSE Aerospace Engineering, 2005

University of Michigan, MSE Aerospace Engineering, 2006 

John Hopkins University, MSE Systems Engineering, 2011


Lead Systems Engineer


Career Summary

I did detailed autopilot and midcourse design for a variety of missile programs at Raytheon Missile Systems in Tucson, AZ. I transferred to Integrated Defense Systems inside of Raytheon in Woburn, MA to do tracking for radars, then took a job as a lead systems engineer at MITRE for communication terminals

How does your Master’s degree differentiate you from others?

At Raytheon Missile Systems autopilot department when I got hired it was 50% masters and 50% Ph.D.  Have a graduate degree was basically a prerequisite for a job in that department.  Complex control systems are not linear and rarely time-invariant. Those assumptions go away at the graduate level.  The Masters in Systems engineering helped me move from detailed design to full systems thinking. Having both makes it a good combination in leading the development of complex systems.

Advice to Students

Take the time outside of class to join the clubs.  It is really worth it both in terms of resume and people. Go to office hours.  Try to work with a Ph.D. student doing research you think is interesting.  Your professors are probably more impressive then you realize. Get to know them and learn all you can.  While you will have little to no free time and enormous stress you will learn so much. Professors Dennis Bernstein (AERO) and Prof. Freudenberg (EECS) were great. I keep Prof. Freudenberg’s book/class notes at my desk even today.

Mitchell Walker

Mitchell Walker

University of Michigan, BSE Aerospace Engineering, 1999

University of Michigan, MSE Aerospace Engineering, 2000

University of Michigan, Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering, 2004

Georgia Institute of Technology



Career Summary

Career Pathway

Mitchell L. R. Walker is a Professor of Aerospace Engineering and Associate Chair of Graduate Studies at the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he directs the High-Power Electric Propulsion Laboratory. His primary research interests include experimental and theoretical studies of advanced plasma propulsion concepts for spacecraft and fundamental plasma physics. Dr. Walker received his Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Michigan, where he specialized in experimental plasma physics and advanced space propulsion. His training includes rotations at Lockheed Martin and NASA Glenn Research Center. In 2005, he founded the electric propulsion program at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Walker’s research activities include Hall effect thrusters, gridded ion engines, magnetoplasmadynamic thrusters, diagnostics for plasma interrogation and thruster characterization, vacuum facility effects, helicon plasma sources, plasma-material interactions, and electron emission from carbon nanotubes. He has authored more than 125 journal articles and conference papers in the fields of electric propulsion and plasma physics. Dr. Walker has served as an Associate Editor of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and on the Editorial Board of Frontiers in Physics and Astronomy and Space Sciences – Plasma Physics since 2015. As an AIAA Associate Fellow and Deputy Director for Space Rockets and Advanced Propulsion, he delivered expert witness testimony “In-Space Propulsion: Strategic Choices and Options” to the Space Subcommittee Hearing – House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. in 2017 to help guide national investments in electric propulsion technology. He was a participant in the 2014 US National Academy of Engineering US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium. In 2015, he was the co-organizer for a focus session at the Frontiers of Engineering Symposium. Currently, Dr. Walker serves as a member of the Department of Energy Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee. He is also a recipient of the Georgia Power Professor of Excellence Award, the AIAA Lawrence Sperry Award, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Program Award, and a NASA Faculty Fellow Award.

Favorite student organizations

University of Michigan Marching Band


Image of Matthew McKeown

Matthew McKeown

University of Michigan, BSE Aerospace Engineering

University of Michigan, MS Aerospace Engineering, 2008


Propulsion Manager


Career Summary

Propulsion Manager of the Dragon reusable spacecraft program at SpaceX. I’ve been a SpaceX engineer since 2008 when I was hired after graduation to work as a development engineer. Though the company is now over 3,000 employees strong, I was one of the first few hundred people to work at the company. 

My passion for rockets has been lifelong. I’ve been launching them since the age of 10 and when I was 16, I built a 52-pound scale model of a Boeing Bomarc supersonic rocket that climbed 3,500 feet.  I had two internships during college: one at Lockheed Martin in Orlando, Fla. in 2006 and the following year at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., where I was a Mars Science Laboratory propulsion engineering intern.

Reflection on Time Spent at UM

During my time at the University of Michigan, I acted on my passion for rocketry by co-founding the Michigan Aeronautical Science Association (MASA), a student team that designs, builds, tests, and launches rockets in an annual competition. I was also a 1931E Honor Society scholar, a recipient of the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation award, and an active athlete in UM Club Tennis.

student working on a project

Industries & Occupations

student working on a project
  • Aerospace
  • Aerospace Parts Manufacturing
  • Federal Government
  • Automotive and other Transportation Industries
  • Navigational Instruments Manufacturing
  • Scientific Research & Doctoral Programs
  • Business Consulting and Management
  • Computer Systems Design Industry
Students working inside the Large Vacuum Test Facility inside the Plasmadynamics and Electric Propulsion Laboratory (PEPL) on North Campus in Ann Arbor, MI.


Students working inside the Large Vacuum Test Facility inside the Plasmadynamics and Electric Propulsion Laboratory (PEPL) on North Campus in Ann Arbor, MI.
  • Boeing
  • Airbus
  • Lockheed Martin
  • United Technologies Corporation
  • NASA
  • Northrop Grumman
  • SpaceX
  • Blue Origin
  • General Electric
  • Raytheon
  • Aerospace Corporation
  • Honeywell
  • General Dynamics
  • Ford Motor Company
  • General Motors
hand touching a circuit board
hand holding a stack of circuit boards


Discover the value of a Master's degree!

On average, U-M graduates with a master’s degree in an engineering field can earn 15-25% more than those with a bachelor’s degree in engineering.  Use the link below to research average salaries based on a U-M engineering master’s degree, experience level, and desired work location.