Launched in the fall of 2007, the Engineering Sustainable Systems dual degree confers a Master of Science (MS) degree from the School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS) and a Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) from the College of Engineering (CoE). Global climate change, energy security, ecological degradation, environmental threats to human health, and resource scarcity are critical sustainability challenges for the 21st century. Sustainability is based upon the ability to meet societal needs within the context of economical and ecological constraints. The program trains graduate students to protect, restore, and create engineered and natural systems that are socially, environmentally, and economically sustainable. Graduates have the engineering and sustainability foundations to command jobs domestically and internationally with engineering consulting firms, research and development labs in the private and public sectors (e.g. Fortune 500 corporations), government agencies, and NGOs.
Mechanical Engineering MSE + Sustainable Systems MS